According to the PWC and their Consumer Intelligence Series, 44% of Americans know or are part of the sharing industry. This is a rapidly growing industry that more and more franchises are getting involved with. Venture X has taken a unique corner of this market by creating a shared workspace for businesses to establish, collaborate, and grow.
What Is the Sharing Industry?
The sharing industry means a lot of things. It involves economic and social integrations primarily on an online platform. People collaborate with each other and create an open-source community.
Overall, the sharing industry has seen a very positive response from Americans. The Consumer Intelligence Series outlined that it is more affordable, better for the environment, more engaging, and builds a better sense of community.
Sharing has also made people rethink the value of ownership. People like that they do not have the burden of ownership and it is less expensive. The CIS labeled “access is the new ownership.” The more access you have to share with others, the more ownership and control people seem to have.
How Does Venture X Fit Into the Sharing Industry?
Venture X is an innovative franchise that has created a niche for shred coworking spaces. By utilizing the growing sharing industry, Venture X has developed a community for entrepreneurs, freelancers, temps, independent contractors, and others who are looking for a workplace. By sharing a space with different people, it allows people to develop new ways of thinking and connecting. Venture X offers private and open offices to accommodate what clients prefer.
What Is It Like to Own a Venture X Franchise?
A Venture X franchise is a modern coworking concept that has ample opportunity for growth. Venture X provides a weeklong in-depth training program in Florida that includes an onsite component to test out a successful franchise before you open your own. In addition to the training, Venture X provides marketing and on-going support to make sure you have everything you need to run your franchise.
The initial investment is reasonable. Most franchisees paid about $600,000-$800,000 to begin their franchise, and saw profit relatively quickly. Venture X has made target markets available upon request, so please call to discover if there is an opportunity near you.
If you are interested in learning more about Venture X and the sharing industry, read this guide for more information.